
The NodePropertyValueChanger intervention class sets a given node property to a new value. You can also define a duration in days before the node property reverts back to its original value, the probability that a node will change its node property to the target value, and the number of days over which nodes will attempt to change their individual properties to the target value. This node-level intervention functions in a similar manner as the individual-level intervention, PropertyValueChanger.


Parameters are case-sensitive. For Boolean parameters, set to 1 for true or 0 for false. JSON does not permit comments, but you can add “dummy” parameters to add contextual information to your files.

The table below describes all possible parameters with which this class can be configured. The JSON example that follows shows one potential configuration.

Parameter Data type Minimum Maximum Default Description Example
Target_NP_Key_Value string NA NA NA The NodeProperty key:value pair, as defined in the demographics file, to assign to the node.
    "Target_NP_Key_Value": "InterventionStatus:NONE"
Daily_Probability float 0 1 1 The probability that an individual will move to the Target_Property_Value.
    "Intervention_Config": {
        "class": "PropertyValueChanger",
        "Disqualifying_Properties": [],
        "New_Property_Value": "",
        "Target_Property_Key": "Risk",
        "Target_Property_Value": "LOW",
        "Daily_Probability": 1.0,
        "Maximum_Duration": 0,
        "Revert": 0
Maximum_Duration float -1 3.40E+3 3.40E+38 The maximum amount of time individuals have to move to a new group. This timing works in conjunction with Daily_Probability.
    "Intervention_Config": {
        "class": "PropertyValueChanger",
        "Disqualifying_Properties": [],
        "New_Property_Value": "",
        "Target_Property_Key": "Risk",
        "Target_Property_Value": "LOW",
        "Daily_Probability": 1.0,
        "Maximum_Duration": 0,
        "Revert": 0
Revert float 0 10000 0 The number of days before an individual moves back to their original group.
    "Intervention_Config": {
        "class": "PropertyValueChanger",
        "Disqualifying_Properties": [],
        "New_Property_Value": "",
        "Target_Property_Key": "Risk",
        "Target_Property_Value": "LOW",
        "Daily_Probability": 1.0,
        "Maximum_Duration": 0,
        "Revert": 0
Disqualifying_Properties string NA NA NA A list of IndividualProperty key:value pairs that cause an intervention to be aborted (persistent interventions will stop being distributed to individuals with these values). See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information. Generally used to control the flow of health care access. For example, to prevent the same individual from accessing health care via two different routes at the same time.
    "Disqualifying_Properties": [
Intervention_Name string NA NA NA The optional name used to refer to this intervention as a means to differentiate it from others that use the same class.
New_Property_Value string NA NA NA An optional IndividualProperty key:value pair that will be assigned when the intervention is distributed. See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information. Generally used to indicate the broad category of health care cascade to which an intervention belongs to prevent individuals from accessing care through multiple pathways. For example, if an individual must already be taking a particular medication to be prescribed a new one.
    "New_Property_Value": "InterventionStatus:None"
    "Use_Defaults": 1,
    "Events": [{
        "class": "CampaignEvent",
        "Start_Day": 40,
        "Nodeset_Config": {
            "class": "NodeSetAll"
        "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
            "class": "StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator",
            "Node_Property_Restrictions": [{
                "InterventionStatus": "VACCINATING"
            "Intervention_Config": {
                "class": "NodePropertyValueChanger",
                "Target_NP_Key_Value": "InterventionStatus:STOP_VACCINATING",
                "Daily_Probability": 1.0,
                "Maximum_Duration": 0,
                "Revert": 0