Output files

After running a simulation, the simulation data is extracted, aggregated, and saved as an output report. Depending on your configuration, one or more output reports will be created, each of which summarize different data from the simulation. Output reports can be in JSON, CSV, or binary file formats.

The EMOD functionality that produces an output report is known as a reporter. EMOD provides several built-in reporters for outputting data from simulations. By default, EMOD will always generate the report InsetChart.json, which contains the simulation-wide average disease prevalence by time step. If none of the provided reports generates the output report that you require, you can create a custom reporter.

If you want to visualize the data output from an EMOD simulation, you must use graphing software to plot the output reports. In addition to output reports, EMOD will generate error and logging files to help troubleshoot any issues you may encounter.