Developer installation

Follow the steps below if you will make changes to the idmtools source code to add new functionality.

Install idmtools

  1. Install a Git client such as Git Bash or the Git GUI.

  2. Open a command prompt and clone the idmtools GitHub repository to a local directory using the following command:

    git clone

    To work from the latest approved code, work from the “master” branch. To work from the latest code under active development, work from the “dev” branch.

  3. Open a command prompt and create a virtual environment in any directory you choose. The command below names the environment “idmtools”, but you may use any desired name:

    python -m venv idmtools
  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    • On Windows, enter the following:

    • On Linux, enter the following:

      source idmtools/bin/activate
  5. In the base directory of the cloned GitHub repository, run the setup script.

    • On Windows, enter the following:

      pip install py-make
      pymake setup-dev
    • On Linux, enter the following:

      make setup-dev
  6. To verify that idmtools is installed, enter the following command:

    idmtools --help

    You should see a list of available cookie cutter projects and command-line options.

  7. For source completion and indexing, set the package paths in your IDE. In PyCharm, select the following directories then right-click and select Mark Directory as > Source Root.

    • idmtools/idmtools_core

    • idmtools/idmtools_cli

    • idmtools/idmtools_platform_local

    • idmtools/idmtools_platform_comps

    • idmtools/idmtools_model_emod

    • idmtools/idmtools_models

    • idmtools/idmtools_test

See CLI reference for more information on the command-line interface available for interacting with idmtools.

Start the Docker client

  1. Create a Docker network named idmtools_network in the idmtools_local_runner directory using the following commands:

    cd idmtools_platform_local
    docker network create idmtools_network


    The drive where you create the network most be shared with Docker. Open Docker and then under Settings > Shared Drives, verify that the drive is shared.

  2. Start the local Docker runner using the following commands, depending on your operating system.

    • On Windows, enter the following. Include the first line only if the data/redis-data directory is not already present:

      mkdir data\redis-data
      docker-compose down -v
      docker-compose build
      docker-compose up -d
    • On Linux, enter the following:

      sudo docker-compose down -v
      sudo docker-compose build
      sudo ./
  3. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/data/.


If your password has changed since running Docker, you will need to update your credentials. Open Docker Desktop > Settings > Resources > File sharing and reset your credentials.

Run tests

If you want to run tests on the code, do the following. You can add new tests to the GitHub repository and they will be run using the same commands.


To access and use COMPS you must receive approval and credentials from IDM. Send your request to

  1. Login to COMPS by navigating to the idmtools root directory and entering the following at a command prompt:

    python dev_scripts\ --comps_url --username yourcomps_user --password yourcomps_password
  2. If you are running the local platform with the nightly idmtools build, enter the following to log in to Docker:

    docker login
  3. Navigate to the directory containing the code you want to test, such as the root directory or a subdirectory like idmtools_platform_comps, enter the following command:

    pymake test-all