idmtools.entities.itask module

class idmtools.entities.itask.ITask(command: Union[str, idmtools.entities.command_line.CommandLine] = None, platform_requirements: Set[idmtools.entities.platform_requirements.PlatformRequirements] = <factory>, _ITask__pre_creation_hooks: List[Callable[[Union[ForwardRef('Simulation'), ForwardRef('IWorkflowItem')]], NoReturn]] = <factory>, _ITask__post_creation_hooks: List[Callable[[Union[ForwardRef('Simulation'), ForwardRef('IWorkflowItem')]], NoReturn]] = <factory>, common_assets: idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection = <factory>, transient_assets: idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection = <factory>, _task_log: logging.Logger = <factory>)

Bases: object

command: Union[str, idmtools.entities.command_line.CommandLine] = None

The Command to run

platform_requirements: Set[idmtools.entities.platform_requirements.PlatformRequirements]
common_assets: idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection

Common(Experiment-level) assets

transient_assets: idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection

Transient(Simulation-level) assets

property metadata_fields

Collect all metadata fields

Returns: set of metadata filed names

add_pre_creation_hook(hook: Callable[[Union[Simulation, IWorkflowItem]], NoReturn])

Called before a simulation is created on a platform. Each hook receives either a Simulation or WorkflowTask


hook – Function to call on event



add_post_creation_hook(hook: Callable[[Union[Simulation, IWorkflowItem]], NoReturn])

Called after a simulation has been created on a platform. Each hook receives either a Simulation or WorkflowTask


hook – Function to call on event


add_platform_requirement(requirement: Union[idmtools.entities.platform_requirements.PlatformRequirements, str]) → NoReturn

Adds a platform requirements to a task :param requirement: Requirement to add task



pre_creation(parent: Union[Simulation, IWorkflowItem])

Optional Hook called at the time of creation of task. Can be used to setup simulation and experiment level hooks :param parent:


post_creation(parent: Union[Simulation, IWorkflowItem])

Optional Hook called at the after creation task. Can be used to setup simulation and experiment level hooks :param parent:


abstract gather_common_assets()idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection

Function called at runtime to gather all assets in the collection.

abstract gather_transient_assets()idmtools.assets.asset_collection.AssetCollection

Function called at runtime to gather all assets in the collection


Collect all common and transient assets

Returns: new AssetCollection

copy_simulation(base_simulation: Simulation) → Simulation
Called when copying a simulation for batching. Override you your task has specific concerns when copying


reload_from_simulation(simulation: Simulation)

Optional hook that is called when loading simulations from a platform


Convert task to simulation

Returns: new simulation


Return default values for pickle_ignore_fields(). Call before pickling.

Returns: dict

property pickle_ignore_fields
to_dict() → Dict

Select metadata fields and make a new dict

Returns: dict