idmtools.registry.platform_specification module

class idmtools.registry.platform_specification.PlatformSpecification

Bases: idmtools.registry.plugin_specification.PluginSpecification, abc.ABC

classmethod get_name(strip_all: bool = True) → str

Get name of plugin. By default we remove the PlatformSpecification portion. :param strip_all: When true, PlatformSpecification is stripped from name. When false only Specification is Stripped



Example configuration for the platform. This is useful in help or error messages.


get(configuration: dict) → IPlatform

Return a new platform using the passed in configuration.


configuration – The INI configuration file to use.


The new platform.

get_type() → Type[IPlatform]
get_configuration_aliases() → Dict[str, Dict]

Get a list of configuration aliases for the platform.

A configuration alias should be in the form of “name” -> “Spec, Config Options Dict” where name is the alias the user will use, and the config options is a dictionary of config options to be passed to the item Returns:

class idmtools.registry.platform_specification.PlatformPlugins(strip_all: bool = True)

Bases: object

get_plugins() → Set[idmtools.registry.platform_specification.PlatformSpecification]
get_aliases() → Dict[str, Tuple[idmtools.registry.platform_specification.PlatformSpecification, Dict]]
get_plugin_map() → Dict[str, idmtools.registry.platform_specification.PlatformSpecification]