idmtools_platform_comps.comps_platform module

class idmtools_platform_comps.comps_platform.COMPSPriority(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Lowest = 'Lowest'
BelowNormal = 'BelowNormal'
Normal = 'Normal'
AboveNormal = 'AboveNormal'
Highest = 'Highest'
class idmtools_platform_comps.comps_platform.COMPSPlatform(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: idmtools.entities.iplatform.IPlatform, idmtools.core.cache_enabled.CacheEnabled

Represents the platform allowing to run simulations on COMPS.

endpoint: str = ''
environment: str = 'Bayesian'
priority: str = 'Lowest'
simulation_root: str = '$COMPS_PATH(USER)\\output'
node_group: str = None
num_retries: int = 0
num_cores: int = 1
max_workers: int = 16
batch_size: int = 10
min_time_between_commissions: int = 15
exclusive: bool = False
docker_image: str = None

Function called after restoring the state if additional initialization is required