
The AntiTBPropDepDrug intervention class is similar to AntiTBDrug, as it specifies how TB drugs affect individuals in the model. This intervention enables the simultaneous distribution of different drug treatments to specific individuals within the population based on those individuals’ IndividualProperties (see NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information). Further, drugs can have different efficacies based on whether the individual is drug-resistant or whether the individual is treatment-experienced. All drugs must be configured in the configuration file under TB_Drug_Types_For_This_Sim and TB_Drug_Params (see Drugs and treatments parameters for more information).


Parameters are case-sensitive. For Boolean parameters, set to 1 for true or 0 for false. JSON does not permit comments, but you can add “dummy” parameters to add contextual information to your files.

The table below describes all possible parameters with which this class can be configured. The JSON example that follows shows one potential configuration.

Parameter Data type Minimum Maximum Default Description Example
Drug_Type_by_Property array of JSON objects NA NA na An array of JSON objects that defines the drugs to distribute based on individual properties. Each JSON object is in the format “property:value”: “drug”. The property values are defined in the demographics file (NodeProperties and IndividualProperties) using IndividualProperties and the drugs are defined in the configuration file (Drugs and treatments) using TB_Drug_Types_For_This_Sim and TB_Drug_Params.
    "Drug_Type_by_Property": [{
            "QualityOfCare:CDC": "CDCDrug"
            "QualityOfCare:Hospital": "HospitalDrug"
Enable_State_Specific_Treatment boolean NA NA 1 If an individual develops MDR-TB and is getting the default drug, the intervention automatically starts giving an MDR drug with different treatment outcomes when set to true (1). If this is enabled, the MDR drugs must be included in the configuration parameter TB_Drug_Params list with the same name as the original drug, but with MDR or Retx appended to the end. For example, for a “HospitalDrug”, you would also need to parameterize “HospitalDrugMDR” and “HospitalDrugRetx”.
    "Enable_State_Specific_Treatment": 1
Dose_Interval float 0 99999 1 The interval between doses, in days.
    "Dose_Interval": 1
Drug_Cmax float 0 10000 1 The maximum drug concentration that can be used, and is in the same units as Drug_PKPD_C50. Since drug concentrations and C50 values are often specified with different unit systems, these two parameters have been designed to be flexible provided that the units are the same for each. This parameter is used when Durability_Profile is set to CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME.
    "Durability_Profile": "CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME",
    "Drug_Cmax": 200,
    "Drug_PKPD_C50": 6, 
    "Drug_Vd": 1
Drug_PKPD_C50 float 0 10000 1 The concentration at which drug killing rates are half of the maximum. Must use the same units as Drug_Cmax. This parameter is used when Durability_Profile is set to CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME.
    "Durability_Profile": "CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME",
    "Drug_Cmax": 200,
    "Drug_PKPD_C50": 6, 
    "Drug_Vd": 1
Drug_Vd float 0 10000 1 The volume of drug distribution. This value is the ratio of the volume of the second compartment to the volume of the first compartment in a two-compartment model, and is dimensionless. This parameter is used when Durability_Profile is set to CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME.
    "Durability_Profile": "CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME",
    "Drug_Cmax": 200,
    "Drug_PKPD_C50": 6, 
    "Drug_Vd": 1

The profile of durability decay. Possible values are:

The durability does not decay.
Conditionally loads the following parameters: Drug_Cmax, Drug_PKPD_C50, and Drug_Vd.
    "Durability_Profile": "CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME",
    "Drug_Cmax": 200,
    "Drug_PKPD_C50": 6, 
    "Drug_Vd": 1
Fraction_Defaulters float 0 1 0 The fraction of individuals who will not finish their drug treatment.
    "Fraction_Defaulters": 0
Remaining_Doses integer 0 999999 0 The remaining doses in an intervention; enter a negative number for unlimited doses.
    "Remaining_Doses": 1
Reduced_Transmit float 0 1 1 The transmission reduction ratio, or the reduced infectiousness when an individual receives drugs.
    "Intervention_Config": {
        "Cost_To_Consumer": 1,
        "Drug_Type": "FirstLineCombo",
        "Durability_Profile": "FIXED_DURATION_CONSTANT_EFFECT",
        "Primary_Decay_Time_Constant": 10,
        "Remaining_Doses": 1,
        "TB_Drug_Clearance_Rate": 0.1,
        "TB_Drug_Inactivation_Rate": 0.00000001,
        "TB_Drug_Resistance_Rate": 0.000000001,
        "TB_Drug_Relapse_Rate": 0.0000001,
        "Reduced_Transmit": 1,
        "class": "AntiTBDrug"
Primary_Decay_Time_Constant float 0 1.00E+0 0 The primary decay time constant (in days) of the decay profile.
    "Primary_Decay_Time_Constant": 180
Secondary_Decay_Time_Constant float 0 999999 1 The secondary decay time constant of the durability profile. This parameter is used when Durability_Profile is set to CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME.
    "Durability_Profile": "CONCENTRATION_VERSUS_TIME",
    "Secondary_Decay_Time_Constant": 730
Cost_To_Consumer float 0 99999 1 The unit cost per drug (unamortized).
    "Cost_To_Consumer": 10
Dont_Allow_Duplicates boolean NA NA 0 If an individual’s container has an intervention, set to true (1) to prevent them from receiving another copy of the intervention. Supported by all intervention classes.
    "Dont_Allow_Duplicates": 0
Disqualifying_Properties string NA NA NA A list of IndividualProperty key:value pairs that cause an intervention to be aborted (persistent interventions will stop being distributed to individuals with these values). See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information. Generally used to control the flow of health care access. For example, to prevent the same individual from accessing health care via two different routes at the same time.
    "Disqualifying_Properties": [
Intervention_Name string NA NA NA The optional name used to refer to this intervention as a means to differentiate it from others that use the same class.
New_Property_Value string NA NA NA An optional IndividualProperty key:value pair that will be assigned when the intervention is distributed. See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information. Generally used to indicate the broad category of health care cascade to which an intervention belongs to prevent individuals from accessing care through multiple pathways. For example, if an individual must already be taking a particular medication to be prescribed a new one.
    "New_Property_Value": "InterventionStatus:None"
    "Campaign_Name": "Campaign - Outbreak, drug-seeking on TBActivation",
    "Events": [
            "class": "CampaignEvent",
            "Event_Name": "Drugs after TB activation",
            "Nodeset_Config": {
                "class": "NodeSetAll"
            "Start_Day": 100,
            "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
                "class": "GroupInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator",
                "Target_Demographic": "ExplicitDiseaseState",
                "Number_Repetitions": 1,
                "Property_Restrictions": [],
                "Target_Disease_State": "Infected",
                "Intervention_Config": {
                    "class": "AntiTBPropDepDrug",
                    "Durability_Profile": "FIXED_DURATION_CONSTANT_EFFECT",
                    "Remaining_Doses": 1,
                    "Cost_To_Consumer": 1,
                    "Enable_State_Specific_Treatment": 1,
                    "Drug_Type_by_Property": [
                        { "QualityOfCare:CDC":"CDCDrug" },
                        { "QualityOfCare:Hospital": "HospitalDrug" }
    "Use_Defaults": 1