idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version module

class idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version.LinkHTMLParser(*, convert_charrefs=True)

Bases: html.parser.HTMLParser

previous_tag = None
pkg_version = []
handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version.get_latest_package_version_from_pypi(pkg_name, display_all=False)

Utility to get the latest version for a given package name :param pkg_name: package name given :param display_all: determine if output all package releases

Returns: the latest version of ven package

idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version.get_latest_package_version_from_artifactory(pkg_name, display_all=False)

Utility to get the latest version for a given package name :param pkg_name: package name given :param display_all: determine if output all package releases

Returns: the latest version of ven package

idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version.get_latest_ssmt_image_version_from_artifactory(pkg_name='comps_ssmt_worker', display_all=False)

Utility to get the latest version for a given package name :param pkg_name: package name given :param display_all: determine if output all package releases

Returns: the latest version of ven package

idmtools_platform_comps.utils.package_version.get_latest_version_from_site(pkg_url, display_all=False)

Utility to get the latest version for a given package name :param pkg_name: package name given :param display_all: determine if output all package releases

Returns: the latest version of ven package