
The ReferenceTrackingEventCoordinator coordinator class defines a particular coverage of an individual-level persistent intervention that should be present in a population over time. The coordinator tracks the actual coverage with the desired coverage; it will poll the population of nodes it has been assigned to determine how many people have the distributed intervention. When coverage is less than the desired coverage, it will distribute enough interventions to reach the desired coverage.


Parameters are case-sensitive. For Boolean parameters, set to 1 for true or 0 for false. JSON does not permit comments, but you can add “dummy” parameters to add contextual information to your files.

The table below describes all possible parameters with which this class can be configured. The JSON example that follows shows one potential configuration.

Parameter Data type Minimum Maximum Default Description Example
Times array of floats 0 999999 NA An array of years.
    "Time_Value_Map": {
        "Times": [1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009],
        "Values": [
Values array of floats 0 3.40E+3 NA An array of values to match the defined Times.
    "Time_Value_Map": {
        "Times": [1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009],
        "Values": [
End_Year float 1900 2200 2200 The final date (year) at which this set of targeted coverages should be applied (expiration).
    "Start_Year": 1962,
    "End_Year": 1964
Time_Value_Map JSON object NA NA NA The years (times) and matching values of coverages. This parameter uses InterpolatedValueMap to create a JSON structure containing one array of Times and one for Values, which allows for a time-variable probability that can take on any shape over time. When queried at a simulation year corresponding to one of the listed Times, it returns the corresponding Value. The Times and Values must be of equal length, and can consist of a single value. Times must monotonically increase.
    "Time_Value_Map": {
        "Times": [1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964],
        "Values": [
Update_Period float 1 3650 365 The time between distribution updates.
    "Update_Period" : 30.0
Intervention_Config JSON object NA NA NA The nested JSON of the actual intervention to be distributed by this event coordinator.
    "Intervention_Config": {
        "class": "OutbreakIndividual",
        "Incubation_Period_Override": 1,
        "Outbreak_Source": "PrevalenceIncrease"
Number_Repetitions integer -1 1000 1 The number of times an intervention is given, used with Timesteps_Between_Repetitions.
    "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
        "Intervention_Config": {
            "class": "Outbreak",
            "Num_Cases": 1
        "Number_Repetitions": 10,
        "Timesteps_Between_Repetitions": 50,
        "class": "StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator"
Timesteps_Between_Repetitions integer -1 10000 -1 The repetition interval.
    "Timesteps_Between_Repetitions": 50
Property_Restrictions array of JSON objects NA NA NA A list of the IndividualProperty key:value pairs, as defined in the demographics file, that individuals must have to be targeted by this individual-level intervention. See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information.
    "Property_Restrictions": [
Node_Property_Restrictions array of JSON objects NA NA NA A list of the NodeProperty key:value pairs, as defined in the demographics file, that nodes must have to be targeted by the intervention.
    "Node_Property_Restrictions": [{
            "Place": "URBAN",
            "Risk": "MED"
            "Place": "RURAL",
            "Risk": "LOW"
Target_Age_Min float 0 3.40E+3 0 The lower end of ages targeted for an intervention, in years. Used when Target_Demographic is set to ExplicitAgeRanges or ExplicitAgeRangesAndGender.
    "Target_Age_Max": 20,
    "Target_Age_Min": 10,
    "Target_Demographic": "ExplicitAgeRanges"
Target_Demographic enum NA NA Everyone

The target demographic group. Possible values are:

  • Everyone
  • ExplicitAgeRanges
  • ExplicitAgeRangesAndGender
  • ExplicitGender
  • PossibleMothers
  • ArrivingAirTravellers
  • DepartingAirTravellers
  • ArrivingRoadTravellers
  • DepartingRoadTravellers
  • AllArrivingTravellers
  • AllDepartingTravellers
  • ExplicitDiseaseState
    "Target_Age_Max": 20,
    "Target_Age_Min": 10,
    "Target_Demographic": "ExplicitAgeRanges"
Target_Gender enum NA NA All

Specifies the gender restriction for the intervention. Possible values are:

  • Male
  • Female
  • All
    "Target_Gender": "Male"
Demographic_Coverage float 0 1 1 The fraction of individuals in the target demographic that will receive this intervention.
    "Demographic_Coverage": 1
Target_Residents_Only boolean NA NA 0 When set to true (1), the intervention is only distributed to individuals that began the simulation in the node (i.e. those that claim the node as their residence).
    "Target_Residents_Only": 1
Property_Restrictions_Within_Node array of JSON objects NA NA NA A list of the IndividualProperty key:value pairs, as defined in the demographics file, that individuals must have to be targeted by this node-level intervention. See NodeProperties and IndividualProperties parameters for more information.
    "Property_Restrictions_Within_Node": [{
        "Risk": "HIGH"
    "Use_Defaults": 1,
    "Events": [{
        "class": "CampaignEventByYear",
        "Nodeset_Config": {
            "class": "NodeSetAll"
        "Start_Year": 1960,
        "Event_Coordinator_Config": {
            "class": "ReferenceTrackingEventCoordinator",
            "Target_Demographic": "ExplicitGender",
            "Target_Gender": "Male",
            "Update_Period": 182,
            "End_Year": 1965,
            "Time_Value_Map": {
                "Times": [1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964],
                "Values": [
                "Intervention_Config": {
                    "class": "MaleCircumcision",
                    "Cost_To_Consumer": 10.0,
                    "Circumcision_Reduced_Acquire": 0.6,
                    "Distributed_Event_Trigger": "VMMC_1"